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Update USPS Regulations


The City of Portageville has been informed by the Postmaster that the City's mail delivery will remain as currently delivered, and changes will only be made on a case-by-case basis.

If there are safety concerns for the carrier, such as an animal who is a danger to the carrier or the box is in an unsafe location for the carrier to access, then a change of location for the mailbox will be required. This will be on a case-by-case basis only. Carriers will be instructed to inform Animal Control of animals creating interference with delivery.

It is very important that everyone is aware of the City of Portageville Animal Regulations. It can be found online by visiting https://ecode360.com/33631660. If you see an animal running at large, please do not hesitate to call City Hall at 573-379-5789 where they will contact Animal Control.